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Community Tools»Edit Conference
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 1:33 PM by User.

Edit Conference

The Edit Conference tool is similar to the Add Conference tool.

The Edit Conference tool can be found under the Community menu.

Community Name

The Community Name is used in a number of places throughout the Conference Manager system. This name is how your conference will be identified:

The conference names included in your registration and abstract submission forms are set in the Registration Form and the Abstract Form tools.

Page Title

The text entered in this line will appear in the title bar for every page in your community.  This is akin to the <title> tag in HTML.


Text entered in the Keywords box will assist search engines in finding your conference.  This information is stored in the <meta> tag, which is read by search engines and used to determine what your page is about.  To improve your search engine results, enter key words or terms which describe your conference. For example, in a conference about ice cream, you might enter:

"ice cream conference, dessert conference, frozen dessert conference, frozen yogurt conference, gelato conference, ice cream, ice cream sunday, ice cream sundae, banana split, frozen dessert, dessert, frozen yogurt, gelato"

The keywords you enter will not show on any of your Conference Manager pages, so it is safe to write short words or phrases which are more likely to be caught by a search engine.


The Description box is also used to assist search engines with finding your conference homepage. Unlike the Keywords box, however, this text should be entered in full sentences because this text will appear on the search engine's results page.

"The National Ice Cream Distributors' Conference showcases ice cream technology and trends to industry professionals."

Be sure to provide a brief and complete first sentence - most search engines will only show 140-160 characters of your Description on the search results page.

Creator ID

The Creator ID is considered the main contact for your community. You can select a different Creator ID from the administrators in your community.  There can only be one Creator ID per community.

The Creator ID is used in the following places:

  • After a user has submitted their registration, with the words: "If you have a query about your payment, please e-mail the conference organizer."
  • If a user attempts to renew membership but they have an outstanding balance on their account, with the words "If you have any questions, please email the organizer."

Who is allowed to visit this community?

This setting can be used to control access to your Conference Manager site, in the event that you want your community information to be private.  These options control access to all pages published to the Public role, all submission forms (eg. Abstract Submission Form, Conference Registration Form, and Membership Form), and any other options that may be available, including the Searchable Program

There are three permission options available:

  • Anyone: Any person, regardless of whether they have a user account, will be able to access your community
  • Any registered Conference Manager user: Any person who is currently logged in to a Conference Manager account will be able to access your community.
  • Invited members only: Only users who are subscribed to this community will be able to access information, and only while they are logged in.

Subscription Method

Default Language

Conference Manager supports English, French and Spanish language users and organizations.  Admins can choose to offer language support in one to three of these language options. To select multiple languages, hold down the Shift button on your keyboard and then select all options.

By default, Conference Manager pages are offered in English.  The English option will be selected automatically, even if this option is not selected by the admin.  All default Conference Manager options, including the Login button, Home button, text on the User Login page, and text on the first pages of the Conference Registration Form, Membership Form and Conference Sign-Up Form are provided in English. 

When a user accesses a form or when they log in, they will be able to select an alternate preferred language for their user account. If their account's language preference has been set to a language other than English, all system-generated text will appear in the selected language. The language preference is set in the Conference Registration Form, the Membership Form or the Conference Sign-up Form for new users, and can be changed from the Edit User Profile page.

Community Style

The options available on this menu are Custom and Default.

If Default is selected, then the community will use a series of simple set styles for your conference's color scheme, navigation options, colors, fonts, banner, and footer. It is not advised to use this option.

Most conferences choose to create their own look and feel by selecting the Custom option and adding custom styles using the Community Skin tool.

Do you wish to inherit the parent community's template?

If the community has selected the Custom option under Community Style, admins can select whether or not to draw the banner, footer, colours, menu orientation, and font options from the parent community as a template.  If this is selected, this option was enacted on the creation of this CID and your community's style has been built based on the parent community's styles.  If your styles have been modified using the Community Skin tool, your styles will not be lost if you select this option and click "Save".

The blue text, "the parent community's template," links to the current community's immediate parent community.

System Email fonts

The Conference Manager system will send a number of automatic emails to your users. Depending on how you use Conference Manager, these may include:

The standard default font for text in these emails is Arial size 10.  If your conference prefers an alternate font style or size, it can be selected for these system emails here.

Note: The font options for messages sent through the Email Generator Tool or from the Email Page tool are set in the individual email. System fonts set here will not be applied to emails sent from these two tools.

New User Accounts

Force Email as User Login

Every person who uses Conference Manager, including all users who complete registrations, membership applications, or submit abstracts have Conference Manager user accounts. Their user account tracks the information they have submitted, allows them the possibility of logging in to make changes at a later point, and allows the admins to contact the user.

Because many users will visit a Conference Manager site once per year, many admins opt to make the login process simple for their users and Force Email as User Login. This option means that the user's username will automatically be set as the email address they used to create their account. If the user already has an account registered to that email address, though, they may experience difficulty logging in to their account.

The alternate option, which is advised in cases where users may already have accounts that they have forgotten about and cases where users will access their account many times in a year, is to Not Force Email as User Login. The user will be prompted to create a new unique username when they create their account.

User account names can be changed at any time using the Edit User Profile tool.

Auto Generate User Password

In order to access their user account, all users require both a username and a password.  Passwords must be at least 6 characters long, and may contain letters, numbers, special characters (including !@#$%^&*()_=+), and spaces.

If you do not expect that users will access their accounts often, it is generally recommended to Auto Generate User Password so that there will be no confusion. Upon account creation the user will receive a New User Account Email with instructions to set a new password. This can also be done from the Forgot your Password option on the User Login screen.

If you expect that most users will return to their account at least once, it is recommended to Not Auto Generate User Password. This encourages users to set a memorable password when they create their user account and ensures that they will understand how to access their account at a later date.  This option is particularly encouraged in communities where accepted abstract authors will be asked to return to their submission to provide more information or upload files.

All passwords can be changed using the Password Reset link or from the Edit User Profile page.

Core Apps - Mobile App Integration

Conference Manager also offers the option of creating a mobile app for your association or event. Through a custom API, our system links directly to their's, saving users the hassle of having to enter information in two different places. The bottom of this page includes some information (e.g., Data Feed password) essential to this integration. For more information, please contact support ( Additional information about Core Apps may be found on their website.