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Community Tools»Community Skin

Community Skin

The Community Skin tool allows admins to set all of the look and feel options for a community, including the page background, navigation style, colors, fonts, banners, and footers.   Every page in your community will be effected by changes made using this page.

Load Custom Values

If there are styles already existing in another community that you want applied to your conference, you can do so by selecting another community's name and clicking the Use Other button. This option is often used when you have already created a suitable or similar Community Skin in another conference, in order to save time copying options from one community to another.

Admins can choose to load the values from all other communities where they are administrators.

Banner Images

The options under this menu tell Conference Manager where to look for certain images. Files must already be uploaded to be used on this page. See Folders for more information on uploading and managing files.

Corner Image Filename

Files identified in this section will appear in the top left corner of the banner bar. This option is most commonly used if your conference is not using a full width banner image. The height option does not need to be set with this file. Do not use this option if you are using the Title Background Image, as the two images will be layered on top of each other.

Pathbar Background Image

If you have opted to display the path bar, this option will upload an image which will become the background for this section. If left empty, no background image will be set.

Title Background Image

Files identified in this section will be used as the full-width banner for your page. The width of your file should be 970 pixels for sites using the fixed width option (your page centered in the screen) and 2000 pixels for sites using the non-fixed width option (your page anchored on the left side of the screen). You must also set the Image Height to match the full height of your banner image.

Banner Link

If you wish to provide a link on your corner image, set it using this box.  You must use the full path of the url - for example, would be used instead of or If you do not use a corner image, you will not be able to provide a link.

Banner Title

The Banner Title will allow your conference to show the name of your conference centered in the banner bar. If you are using a Banner Image, it is not recommended to use this option.

Options for displaying this text can be customized using CSS values. Be sure to use the proper syntax for CSS to make changes - this is different from the syntax for HTML.

Selecting to display the path bar will show users the path which took them to a certain page, as a site navigation aid. It is generally not recommended to turn this on for most users.

Banner Colours

Certain colors in the menu bar can be changed from this area.  All colors must be expressed in hexadecimal (hex) notation.

Corner Image Background Color

This color will appear behind your Corner Image, if such an image is set.

Title Background Color

This will set the color which shows entire banner bar.

Pathbar Font Color

If you are using the path bar option, this will set the color of the text of your path bar.

Pathbar Background Color

If you are using the path bar option, this will set the color which shows behind your path bar.

Menu Colours

Certain colors in the menu bar can be changed from this area.  All colors must be expressed in hexadecimal (hex) notation.

Sidebar Background Colour

This colour defines the standard colour for your navigation bar, except the active page and the rollover colour.

Rollover Background Colour

When your mouse is over an option in the navbar - for example, the link to the home page - the menu option you are highlighting will appear in this colour.

Selection Background Colour

This option sets the background colour of the menu option for the page you are currently on.

Sidebar Font Colour

This defines the font colour for all menu options in the navigation bar, except the active page and the rollover page font colour. Select a colour which will be easy to read over the background colour.

Rollover Font Colour

This option defines a font colour to the menu option that your mouse is hovering over - the same menu option defined by the Rollover Background Colour. Select a colour which will be easy to read over the Rollover Background Colour.

Selection Font Colour

This option defines a font colour to the menu option for the page you are currently on - the same menu option defined by the Selection Background Colour. Select a colour which will be easy to read over the Selection Background Colour.

Conference Manager supports two layout options: a full-screen layout where the menu bar appears vertically on the far left side of the screen, and a full-screen or fixed-width layout where the menu bar appears horizontally across the top of the screen, just below the menu bar. This selection moves your layout between these two options.

Horizontal Menu Properties

If you are using the Horizontal Menu, a number of additional options become available.

Display Home Button

If this option is set to Yes, every page in this community will feature a link to the home page for the Conference Manager community in the far left of the navigation bar. This link cannot be edited to direct to another page. If you do not want users to have this link - for example, if the Conference Manager community does not contain any information about your conference - this link can be removed by selecting No to this option.

Display Events

If this option is set to Yes, every logged in user will see a new menu option called Events in their navigation bar. This will allow them to navigate between communities that they are a member of. This is often useful for admins and users in communities which have multiple Conference Manager sites, however if you wish to remove this menu, you can do so by selecting No to this option.

Page with Fixed Width

Conference Manager's horizontal menu layout allows for both fixed-width and non-fixed width layouts.

If the fixed-width option is selected the main Conference Manager window will be centered on the screen at 970 pixels wide, and a background will be shown around the page. Banners and footers must be 970 pixels wide under this option.

If the fixed-width option is not selected, the main Conference Manager window will fill the entire screen, and no background image will be shown. Banners and footers should be at least 2000 pixels wide to accommodate different screen sizes.

Outer Background Colour

If the community is using a fixed-width layout, then a background colour and/or image will be displayed. This option allows admins to set the colour of this background using hex code notation.

Outer Background Image

If admins prefer, they can apply a background image to the outside area. The default settings will tile this image across the entire background of the site. Alternate options can be created using custom CSS.

Footer Properties


This option sets the height of the footer in pixels. A height of 0 will show no footer.

Background Colour

The standard background colour for the footer can be set here using hex code notation.

Font Colour

This option allows admins to set the colour of font which may go in the footer area using hex code notation. Select a colour which will be easy to read over the background colour.

Background Image

Admins may also set a background image in lieu of a background colour.  If this option is used, text may still be layered over the background image. If you wish to only use a background image, remove all content from the Footer Content box and set the Height of the footer to the same height as the footer image.

Footer Content

Custom content can be added into this space, and will be displayed on your footer. Text entered in this box is HTML compatible, and can contain text formatting, special characters, links, images, and more.

Menu Indicator Images

If your community is using the vertical layout option, it is possible to set three custom images to indicate the different tiers of the navigation, including the current menu, the current page, and the menu indicator. These values are not used in the horizontal layout.

Page Properties

Page Background Colour

This option sets the background colour for the main content frame of your Conference Manager site. This includes the background colour for all forms and tools. The default option is white; most Conference Manager pages look best with this option.

Social Sharing and Analytics

Conference Manager supports quick sharing to social media using a built-in menu bar option. Admins can select options that will allow users to share the page they are on to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn using a single click. The Share Link option also allows a number of other ways to quickly share the page, using

If you are using AddThis to generate social sharing analytics, you must first register an AddThis account and access your Profile ID number within that system. You may then paste this number into the Profile ID field to begin generating data from your Conference Manager site.

Conference Manager also supports traffic and user analtyics using Google Analytics. Many conference organizers find this a valuable free tool to track your referral sources, monitor site traffic and usage, and build succesful content layouts. If you are using Google Analytics, paste your Web Property ID into the appropriate box. Conference Manager users who have a custom domain - eg. - must use the second box.