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Abstract Management Tools»Abstract Form Setup
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Last modified on 5/12/2020 12:07 PM by User.

Abstract Form Setup

Your Abstract Submission Form is the page which may or may not be publicly available and permits people to submit abstracts for your conference. In the Abstract Submission Form, submitters can provide their contact details (submitter and authors), select formats and keywords, provide their abstract content, and more.

It is possible to create and edit your conference's abstract form using the Abstract wizard, also known as the Edit Abstract Form tool.

  • New conference communities can create their abstract form for the first time by clicking Abstract Admin, found under the Tools menu.
  • After abstract submission has been opened, the Edit Abstract Form tool can be accessed through the Tools menu, by clicking the Edit Abstract Form option.

The Edit Abstract Form tool is a 10-page administrator tool to create your customized abstract submission path.  Create your form carefully - once you have opened your abstract submission process, you will be able to modify some, but not all areas.When creating and editing your abstract form, keep in mind that it is not necessary to fill in every area.  Mandatory fields are marked with a blue *, all other fields are optional. It is also possible to exclude certain pages from the abstract path by leaving information blank.  Conference organizers often create more work for themselves by completing every field - this is especially true when your abstract form must be approved by a committee prior to launching.

To create your abstract form, click on the Edit Abstract Form option in the Tools menu.

The form pages are as follows:

1 Submission Dates Dates for opening and closing of abstract submission
2 Presentation Formats and Awards Presentation formats and awards
3 Conflict of Interest Conflict of Interest information
4 Custom Questions (Abstract Form) Required information that doesn't belong in any other place
5 Keywords Keywords or topics affiliated with abstract submissions
6 Audio Visual Requirements Audio visual needs collection
7 Abstract Content Author, title and abstract guidelines
8 Confirmation Email Custom confirmation email creation
9 Reviewer Permissions Items that reviewers will see in the online review process
10 Confirmation (Abstracts) Final overview of your information

Form Features

HTML Boxes

Every text entry box with a light blue background will render HTML in the users' abstract form. This allows you to add logos, images, links, etc. to your registration form. Click here for a simple HTML cheat-sheet.

Form Navigation

Unlike the Registration Form, you cannot skip through the Abstract Wizard by clicking on the page numbers at the bottom of the screen. You must click through page by page when making any changes. To save changes to the form you have made you must click the Finish button on the bottom of the form. It is advisable to click the Finish button periodically throughout the process, especially if you are not completing the form all at once, to keep your current changes saved.


Viewing and Sharing the Abstract Submission Form

Once you have created your Abstract Submission Form using the Edit Abstract Form tool, you will be able to view the abstract form, test your abstract form, and share links to the form to open abstract submission for your conference.  You can make changes to some areas of the form after abstract submission has opened by using the Edit Abstract Form tool, however you will not be able to change some options. It is recommended that admins thoroughly check the abstract options prior to opening the abstract form.

The link to access your abstract submission form is:

Replace the XXXX with your conference's unique CID number.

You will need to be logged into access the form. Submitters who do not yet have a Conference Manager user account will need to create their account first.


Testing your Abstract Submission Form

It is highly recommended that you and your conference team test your Abstract Submission Form thoroughly prior to opening the submission process.  This includes:

  • Test all formats
  • Create at least one completely new user account. Use an email address you have access to so that you can test the system-generated emails.
  • If you are charging for abstract submissions, make a small transaction to test your integration with the Conference Registration Form and your payment processing company. You may choose to use one of your payment processing company's test account codes, to test both complete and incomplete transactions.
  • Look for spelling, grammar, and clarity in the writing. If possible, ask another person who was not involved in creating the form to test it for you - a fresh pair of eyes will often spot things that you won't.

After you have completely tested your abstract form, contact your Account Manager to confirm that you are ready to begin accepting abstracts. They will be able to delete all test submissions from your system.

Your submitters will all submit their abstracts using this link, and your admin team will also test the abstract form thoroughly using this link.  Create as many test submissions as you need; just remember to inform your Account Manager prior to opening the submission process so he/she can remove all test submissions from your abstract list.