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Abstract Management Tools
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 11:37 AM by User.

Abstract Management Tools

The Abstract Form

The Call for Abstracts/Papers can be the beginning of the most important part of your conference. Conference Manager makes it simple to collect the information you need to select and organize presentations that will make your attendees glad they came.
The development of an interactive abstract wizard means that you can customize how you wish to convey the following information:
  • Presentation Formats
  • Keywords or Categories
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Author and Abstract Settings
  • Audio-Visual Requirements
  • Reviewer Information
  • Confirmation Email

Interactive Abstract Submission Setup


Abstract Administrator Dashboard

Once your submissions have closed, you will now need to access all kinds of Administration tools to work with the submissions. The Abstract Admin Dashboard is the area is where you will:

  • Sort and organize Views
  • Assign to Reviewers
  • Accept/Reject
  • Run Reports
  • View real-time Statistics
  • Setup and Send Email templates

Abstract Administration