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Abstract Management Tools»Abstract Admin Dashboard

Abstract Admin Dashboard

Your Abstract Admin page shows an at-a-glance view of your conference's abstract submissions. The Abstract Admin page can be found from the Tools menu, under Abstracts.

From this page you can monitor abstract submissions, download abstract attachments, and perform other administrative tasks.

Adding and Hiding Columns

You can add or remove a number of columns from your Abstract Admin view, creating a specialized view to speed up your administrative tasks.

To add a column, select that column's name from the drop-down list next to Add Column.  Submitter responses to Custom Questions are tagged by the name you entered for each question (see Custom Questions for more details).

To hide a column, click the x next to the column's name. You can bring columns back at any time using the Add Column button.

Two of these columns cannot be hidden from view.  These include Abstract ID and Abstract Title.

Your Abstract Admin screen can be customized and remembers your custom setup when you next access the page.  Only one custom setup can be stored for each administrator in your community.

Sorting by Column Data

You can sort the data in your Abstract Admin page by clicking the title of a column.  All data visible in the grid will be sorted by this attribute.  The default sort is ascending by Abstract ID.

The triangle next to the column name indicates that the data grid is sorted by this category. The first click sorts the data descending (0-9, A-Z). Click the column name again to reverse the sort to sort ascending (Z-A, 9-0). All columns except for those corresponding to Custom Questions may be sorted in this manner.

Viewing More Data

To add additional column information, see Adding and Hiding Columns.

Adding more abstract records to the grid enables you to see more information at once.

By default, you will be able to view 15 records on the screen at one time.  Click Longer List to view a larger number of records on the screen at once.  Clicking Longer List adds records in increments of 5.  Use Shorter List to reduce the number of records on the screen by 5 at a time.

To view all records on one page, click Show All.  If you have a large number of abstract submissions for your event, this may take some time to load.

Filtering Abstracts

Enter a search term in the Search box to view a list of submissions that include that term.  The search box will look in the following areas only:

  • Abstract ID
  • Abstract Title
  • First Author
  • Contact Email
  • Summary
  • Author List
  • Keywords
  • Acceptance
  • Name Prefix

To filter by other attributes, including submitted format, accepted format, registration status, etc. see Statistics.

Abstract Records

Clicking on an Abstract Title brings you to a panel which shows detailed information about that abstract as well as actions you can take as an administrator or Lead Reviewer.

Beginning on the top left of this panel, the Abstract Details provided include the Abstract Title, Abstract Text (if collected), and Author List. Directly below the Abstract Details you will find any Keywords the submitter has selected.

The bottom section of this panel lists any Reviewers who have been assigned to the abstract. In this section you can click on any Reviewer's name for more information on their details (eg. which Keywords, Categories, individual abstracts, etc. have been assigned to them). If there are more Reviewers to be assigned to a particular abstract, you can also assign additional Reviewers in this section by clicking on the link provided.

There are two additional sections on the top right of this panel: Lists and Actions.

The Lists section allows you to easily navigate through the Abstracts Tool to certain commonly accessed areas. The Abstract List link takes you back to the main abstract datagrid. The Reviewer List takes you to a list of all Users that have been assigned the Reviewer role. The Exit Abstract Admin link takes you back to the community's home page.

The Actions section allows you to perform actions related specifically to the abstract. The Acceptance link takes you to a screen that allows you to assign an acceptance status to the abstract (or view the status if already assigned), enter/view Session information (if using the Session Scheduling tool), see any scores that have been recorded, and enter/review any comments that have been made about the abstract and/or for the Abstract Acceptance/Rejection emails. You can also delete the abstract within this screen via the Delete link, or edit the abstract via the Edit This Abstract link.

Assigning Abstracts

See Assigning Abstracts.

Abstract Acceptance

See Abstract Acceptance/Rejection.

Abstract Confirmation Email

See Abstract Confirmation Email.


The Statistics function enables administrators to quickly check the status of abstracts in a number of specific areas. Clicking any link on this page gives access to a filtered list of that specific selection of abstracts. Once the list is filtered, Administrators can click Send Email (top right of page) to send an email message to submitters identified by this filter.

  • Submitted Format: This section shows the number of abstracts submitted to each format, as well as a total number.
  • Accepted Format: This section shows a snapshot of the number of abstracts that have been accepted, rejected, or withdrawn, along with totals.
  • Acceptance Status: This section shows you the number of abstracts that are still awaiting an acceptance decision.
  • Registration Status: This section shows you the registration status of the accepted abstract submitters (paid, unpaid, unregistered) which is helpful if registration is a requirement for submitters to attend the conference.

Special Functions

Delete Abstracts

Deleting all registrants currently associated with your community is a task that your Account Manager can perform only.

You may request this option if you entered a number of test abstract submissions, and wish to remove these prior to opening submissions to actual delegates.  Please note, this must be completed prior to opening submissions to the public.