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Abstract Management Tools»Abstract Form Setup»Keywords
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 1:58 PM by User.



On Page 5 of the Edit Abstract Form tool, you will be asked to set up your Keywords which can also be called Categories, Themes or Tracks. These can be used later organizing batches of Abstracts for Reviewers.

Screen Title

Please enter the title of this screen that will be presented to the Submitters when they come to this page on the form. Example: Submission Tracks. You have the option below to set a minimum or maximum number of keywords the Submitter can select at one time. Note that you are able to change the categories of any Abstract if you feel that the Submitter did not choose correctly when they submitted. You can also provide a text box for the submitters themselves to indicate keywords that they feel their paper may suit. If multiple terms are entered in to the text box, they must each be separated by a comma.

Abstract Assignment with Keywords

Conference Manager has been designed to automatically assign Abstracts to Reviewers based on which Keyword the Reviewer has been assigned. This minimizes the amount of manual assignments your Administrators will have to do after submissions close and the Review phase begins. We offer the ability to turn this off for Clients that have review processes that require them to assign abstracts in a more manual way.  Please note that you must have your reviewers already present in your CID with keywords associated with them for this automatic assignment to occur. Only administrator-created keywords (not submitter entered) may be assigned to reviewers. To turn off automatic assignments based on Keywords, select No.

Presentation Terms

Enter the keywords as you wish them to appear on your form. You can add another term by clicking the Add another term button. You can change the order of your Keywords by selecting the term you wish to move and using the Move Up or Move Down buttons provided. To insert a keyword into the middle of your list, select a keyword and use the Insert After Selected button.

Additional Instructions

Enter any additional instructions or information you might wish the Submitters to see. Example: Please choose between 1 and 3 keywords from the list below


*To save changes to the form you have made you must click the Finish button on the bottom of the form. It is advisable to click the Finish button periodically throughout the process, especially if you are not completing the form all at once, to keep your current changes saved.

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