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Community Tools»Edit Conference»Edit This Page
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 1:35 PM by User.


Edit This Page

Conference Manager includes a simple tool to create and edit content pages for your Conference Manager site. Content pages are pages which provide more information about your conference - for example, information about the venue and accommodation, or about the themes of your abstract process.  The editing a page enables you to modify any content page, including the home page. This tool cannot be used to change information in admin panels or forms - for detailed instructions on changing information in forms see Edit Registration Form, Abstract Form - Setup, and Membership Form - Setup.  This tool also cannot be used to change headers, footers, backgrounds, or navigation styling - these types of changes must be done from the Community Skin tool.

To edit a content page, click on the paper and pencil icon in the top right corner of the page.  You can also access the editor from the Manage Content Tool, by selecting your target page and clicking Edit Page.

The page editor is what is known as a "What You See is What You Get" editor, or a WYSIWYG editor. The options to create and format your page are very similar to what you would find in a tool like Microsoft Word. You may also use HTML to design your page. Simply switch the tab at the bottom from 'Normal' to 'HTML'. See below for more details.


The text that you enter in the Title box will be used to identify this page in the Manage Content Tool and on the navigation bar. The title at the top of the window will always be the name of your conference as entered in the Page Title section of the Edit Conference tool.

Editing Tools

The editor includes a number of simple formatting tools:




Assigns pre-set attributes to the selected text, like Heading 1 or Bullet List. The default value is "Normal".

Font size selector

Increases or decreases font sizes. The default value is 10.

Cut, Copy and Paste

Allows you to cut, copy, and paste text into the page. Be careful when pasting text copied from Word, Outlook or a similar text editor, as it will paste formatting which may not interact well with the formatting already on your page. It is recommended to only paste text from a clean editing tool like Notepad, or to use a tool like Word 2 Clean HTML.

Undo and Redo

Allow you to undo or redo actions.

Font color

Changes the colour of the selected text.

Bold, Italic and Underline

Formats the selected text as bold, italic, and/or underlined text.

Indent and Decrease Indent

Adds or reduces indent to the selected paragraph, similar to hitting the Tab button in a Word document.

Align Left, Center or Right

Aligns the selected paragraph of text to the left, center or right.

Bullet points

Formats the text as a list with bullet points. Will not create a numbered list or use alternate bullet styles.

Insert Table

Opens a dialogue to create a simple table with rows and columns. You can also set the border weight and color, the background color for the table cells, and the text color for text in the table. Clicking the arrow next to the Insert Table icon opens a dialogue to quickly create a table up to 5x4 cells.

Insert Image

Opens a dialogue to insert an image into the page. The image must be stored online - you can use an image already stored in your community's files using the Folders tool, or upload a new image. You can set a border size and an image alignment property. It is recommended to also add a text description - this text will be used if the image fails to load, and is also used by screen-reading tools for the visually impaired.

Insert Hyperlink

Opens a dialogue to add a link to your text or image. The location of the link should be set using the HREF box. The remaining options - Target, Style, Class and Name - refer to HTML attributes which can be applied to the link. For example, to create a link which will open in a new tab or window, set the Target as _new.


Find a specific word in the document.


Opens a window with definitions for all tools in the editor.

Omega character

Opens a dialogue to enter special characters. This method is preferred to copying and pasting special characters, as it ensures that they are encoded properly so that they will be read properly in all browsers.


Formats the selected text as subscript.


Formats the selected text as superscript.


Formats the selected text as strikethrough (text with a line through the middle).


Highlights the selected text.

Normal and HTML tabs

Advanced users can move between the simple WYSIWYG editor and a more advanced HTML editor. The HTML editor option will show the source code for your entire page. If you are unable to use the HTML tab, try opening the same page using Firefox - some browsers have difficulty with this tool.

Note that on saving or moving away from the HTML tab, your indentation will be lost. It is recommended that if you are working on an HTML file for your Conference Manager page, you maintain the source code in a separate location using a tool like Sublime Text or CodePen.  For more tips and tricks on working in HTML for your Conference Manager site, see HTML-compatible text area.

Email Page

Any page created using the Edit Page tool can be turned into an email to be sent to members of your conference community.

Clicking on Email Page allows you to select the recipients of an email by either their role in the community or their delegate type. You may select multiple categories from either of these, however you cannot combine roles and delegate types to specify a group.

You can also set the subject line, the reply-to address for the message, upload a file to attach, and include the conference banner and/or the delegate's name.  The font selection options will choose the default font for the email body text to be sent in.