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Manage Users»New User Account Email
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 2:06 PM by User.


New User Account Email

When a user creates a new account in the Conference Manager system, an email is automatically sent to them as a record of their new account.

This email can be prompted in one of three ways, and the contents of this email will vary depending on which action prompts the message:

1. The user fills in the Conference Registration Form

When a person who does not already have an account fills in the Conference Registration Form, they are prompted to create an account prior to completing their submission. This happens because every person using Conference Manager must have a User Account.

Depending on the rules you have set for your community on the Edit Conference screen, the user may be required to choose a username and password, or may be informed that their email address is their username, or that they will be able to set a password prior to signing in the next time they come to Conference Manager.

The formatting of the New User Account Email that is triggered by a user completing the registration form is set, and cannot be edited by conference administrators. The formatting is as follows:

Dear First name Last name,

A user was created for you for the "Conference Name" .

This is an automated message to confirm your current user account details.

E-mail Address:
Username: username
Password: Click here to change your password.

2. The user fills in the Conference Sign-up form to complete an abstract submission

When a person who does not already have an account wants to submit an abstract, they must first create a user account.

The user sign-up form for abstract submissions is highly customizable by the conference administrators. Admins can create a very simple or a very complex sign-up form using the Edit Fields tool. Administrators can also customize the New User Account email resulting from a submission to this form from the Edit Fields tool.

Until the administrator edits the email, it will appear as follows:

Dear First name Last name,

Thank you for your interest in Conference Name.
Please visit the website regularly for the latest news and information.
To find out more, please visit
i.   Login using the username and password.
ii.  Select the myprofile icon (person with a blue shirt) from the icon bar.
iii. Enter a new password and click on apply changes.

3. The user submits a Membership Form

When a person who does not already have an account wants to become a members of your organization, they will create a new user account when they complete your Membership Form. This email is sent immediately upon creation of the user account. The user may then complete their membership submission, which prompts another email - the Membership Confirmation Email. While the fields of the New User Account email cannot be changed, the administrator can set a custom message for the Membership Confirmation Email from the Edit Fields tool.

The New User Account email prompted by submission of the membership form will appear as follows:

Dear First name Last name,

This is an automated message to confirm your current user account details for "Community Name".

Username: username
Click here to change your password.