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Last modified on 11/14/2017 2:30 PM by User.


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Every person who uses your Conference Manager site has their own unique user account.  This includes every person who registers for your conference, submits an abstract, or becomes a member, as well as all administrators, reviewers, and any other person who requires access to information stored in the Conference Manager system.

Creating User Accounts

For Registrations

New users completing the Conference Registration Form have new user accounts created for them when they submit their form. When they submit their registration the user will either be prompted to select a username, or an account will be automatically created for them using their email address as the username, depending on the settings entered in the Edit Conference tool.

Users completing the Registration Form who may already have a user account will be prompted to log in. Conference Manager will provide usernames that might belong to that user, based on similar first and last name combinations and email addresses. If a user recognizes their account, they may log in using that username and their password. If they do not remember their password, they can click Forgot your username or password? to send themselves a password reset link by email.

For Memberships

Members who do not have user accounts will be prompted to create a password on the second page of the Membership Form. Depending on the settings entered in the Edit Conference tool, they may also be prompted to create a username.

There is no fail-safe to check for existing member accounts, so it is important for administrators to encourage users to renew using their existing membership credentials in other ways, such as using Force Login Links.

For Abstract Submissions

Users are prompted to create a user account as the first step to submitting an abstract. Because this user account creation step is separate from the abstract submission process, any links to submitters must be provided for both new users and returning users.

Link text Link address
New users: Click here to create a new account
Returning users: Click here to submit your abstract

You may also wish to provide a Force Login link to the abstract submission form.

User accounts created for abstract submissions use the Conference Sign-Up Form. The fields which are included in this form can be edited using the Edit Fields tool.

Creating Other User Accounts

User accounts can also be created by an administrator for any number of users. This option is most commonly utilized when administrators are providing access for other members of the conference planning team to the information stored in the Conference Manager page. This may include reviewers, supervisors, designers, bookkeepers, or other types of administrators.

There are three tools designed to add other user accounts to your community. All three will subscribe users to your community if they already have existing user accounts.

Users with Multiple Accounts

It is highly recommended that users not create multiple accounts.

Conference Manager accounts span multiple years, multiple conferences, and multiple activities. Each Conference Manager account can be used continuously for years with no difficulties. Using a single account allows users to re-use their same information over and over again, saving the time required to complete a form. It also creates a history for the user, like an archive of their membership in an organization over many years. A single account also prevents users from registering for a single conference multiple times or submitting multiples of the same abstract, which reduces the administrative time required of conference organizers.

If you have users who have created multiple accounts by accident, your Conference Manager account representative can assist you with consolidating these into a single user account.

Logging In

In most cases, users will log in using the Login button located in the top right corner of your Conference Manager page. Users will be prompted to enter their username and password. The user will remain logged in until they log out, or until their session times out.

Once a user is logged in they will be able to see all of the content posted for them. See Roles for more information on hidden content pages. Depending on your community's settings in the Edit Conference tool users may also have to log in to access your Registration, Abstract Submission or Membership forms.

Force-login links

In some circumstances it is necessary to force users to log in before they can access pages or forms. This is particularly common when posting links to your conference forms in emails or from your organization's home page.

A Force-login link brings users to a log-in page, and directs them to a second page when they have logged in. If the user is already logged in, they will proceed directly to the second page. The Tool Number for your link will depend on which tool you are directing users to. See the full list of Tool Numbers.

Logging in from a Registration Form


Because Conference Manager accounts contain private information like contact details, email addresses, and professional information, every Conference Manager account must have a password. Remember, Conference Manager does not store any financial information from registration or membership fee processing.

To protect your information, Conference Manager encrypts passwords. This means that conference administrators, other users, and Conference Manager staff are never able to see your password. In order to maintain this security, Conference Manager will never ask for your password or include your password in an email.

Any user can reset their Conference Manager password by clicking Forgot your Password? on the login page for any community. Users will be prompted to enter their username or email address, in case they cannot remember their username as well. An email with a unique password reset link will then be emailed to the email address on their user account.

Administrators can send password reset links to all users in their Conference Manager communities, or manually set new passwords for users from the Edit User Profile page for that user.