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Manage Users»Subscribe Users
  • RSS Feed

Last modified on 11/14/2017 2:26 PM by User.


Subscribe Users

This tool is available from the Manage Users tool.

Subscribe Users allows administrators to add a large number of users who already have Conference Manager accounts to a specific community.

This tool is particularly useful to import users from another community within your organization (eg. from a membership community to an abstract community), or if your users are likely to already have user accounts (eg. adding admins who may have attended a previous conference for another organization).

Find Users

Subscribe Users requires that the administrator know the username for all users being subscribed. If you do not know the username of the person you wish to add to the community, you can look it up using the Find Users button at the top of the page.

You can use the Find Users tool to search for an individual either in the current community, or in the entire Conference Manager system. Administrators can search for a user by their last name or their username. Alternatively, they can see a list of all users. The tool can be used within the current community only, or from the total base of Conference Manager users.

Select a Role

Subscribe Users assigns a role to each person as it assigns them to the current community. The Roles list shows all roles currently present in your community. All individuals subscribed at one time must be assigned to the same role.

Subscribe Users

Clicking Subscribe will add all of the identified users to the current community, in the role assigned.  If the username is not assigned to a Conference Manager user, the following page will report an error.  If the user is already a member of the community, their role will not be changed.