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Community Tools»Edit Conference»Password Reset
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 2:07 PM by User.

Password Reset

Users who have lost or forgotten their usernames and passwords can still access their Conference Manager accounts using a Password Reset email.

Password reset emails can be sent by the user via the User Login page, or can be sent by the community's administrators from the Edit User Profile page. In either case, the same email will be sent.

If the user has forgotten both their username and their password, they can still access their account if they remember the email address associated with the account.  Conference Manager will match either the username or the email address and send a reset link to the appropriate user.

The Password Reset Email looks like this:

Hello (User's name),

We have received a request to reset your password; if this request was not made by you please contact our support team.

You can use the link below to reset your password. This link must be used within 7 days. Please click here to reset your password.

If you can not click on the link, copy and paste the following url into your browser window:

Just a reminder, your account username is (username).

The link to reset your password is a unique, one-time code which will expire within 7 days of sending the Password Reset email.

Conference Manager staff will never ask you for your password. Because we value the security of you and your delegates, we will never send your password in an email.