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Community Tools»Manage Content Tool»Forms
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 1:52 PM by User.


Forms can be created from the Manage Content Tool.

Conference Manager's forms allow a quick way to create a simple information-gathering form. These forms are not used to receive conference registration, abstract submissions, or membership sign-ups, as these forms do not provide the kind of data management and reporting options that those tools do.  These forms only allow you to ask a series of basic questions, and to receive their answers via email and a form admin page.

Creating a Form

Forms are created from the Manage Content Tool (Tools -> Community -> Manage Content). Simply select Add a Form. You can change the position of the form in your navigation structure by moving up or down, or promoting or demoting the form. See Manage Content Tool for more information about creating and editing your navigation structure.

Adding and Editing Questions

To add information to your form, you must access it through the Manage Content Tool. Select the form and click the Edit button.

To edit the basic attributes of the form, click Edit Form Attributes. This allows you to set the form's title, create a brief description of the form, select the language that the form will appear in. You can also choose whether submitters will be able to save their responses to finish submitting later, and whether they can submit their answers anonymously. You can also choose to number the questions automatically.

There are six types of fields that can be added to your form:

  • Instructions input field - allows you to add instructions or other information to the form without asking a question.
  • Text input field - gives your submitters a single line to answer with a few words or a short sentence.
  • Essay (multi-line) input field - gives your submitters a longer space to answer with a few sentences or paragraphs.
  • Yes / No input field - gives your submitters a space to answer a yes or no question. No other answers are permitted.
  • Single choice list input field - gives your submitters a space to answer a question by selecting one option from a list. One default answer can be pre-selected.
  • Multiple choice list input field - gives your submitters a space to answer a question by selecting multiple answers from a list. Can be set to pre-select an answer or answers.

Once you have created some questions, you can edit the content of your questions by clicking on the edit icon. You can also change the order of your questions using the up/down arrows, and delete questions using the red X icon. After your form has been opened and submissions have been received, you will not be able to make these changes.

Opening the Form

To open the form, you must publish it using the Manage Content Tool. The form will then be visible for users to complete.  You will be able to share a link to your form to encourage users to respond to your questions.

Receiving Responses

Forms that are filled in are made available to you in two ways:

- An email containing responses to the form will be sent to administrators in your conference community each time a user completes the form.

- Form responses can be viewed while logged in as an admin by visiting the form and clicking on the link to view responses. Only administrators in your community will be able to see this link.  Each submission is listed on a separate line - data analysis tools are not available for these forms. To gather information from your conference participants that can be exported, use the Custom Questions tool to create questions as part of your Conference Registration Form, Abstract Submission Form, or Membership Form.