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Manage Users»Create Multiple User Accounts
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 1:30 PM by User.

Create Multiple User Accounts

To access this tool, go to the Manage Users tool (Tools -> Users -> Manage Users), and click on Create Accounts.

Administrators can use this tool to create up to 100 new user accounts quickly and easily. This tool is particularly useful when creating user accounts which will share some information, such as creating user accounts for 10 delegates from the same company with the same address, company name, phone number, and fax number.

This tool is frequently used to create user accounts for abstract reviewers.

How many new user accounts?

You may choose to create up to 100 new user accounts at once using this tool. Be advised - Conference Manager will require that you fill in complete details for every user you are creating before you are able to submit this page, so be sure to select a number that you will be able to completely fill. For example, if you needed to create 67 user accounts, it is advised that you create 60 accounts and then create 7 accounts; if you selected 70 accounts, you would not be able to complete the process until you had added details to the final 3 accounts.


All users that you create with this tool must be established with the same Role. If you need to create user accounts to be subscribed to multiple roles, you must complete this tool in batches. For example, to create 5 new reviewers and 4 new administrators, you would not be able to create 9 new accounts in one step.


The language selected will be set as the default language for all users you are creating. When they log in to Conference Manager, all system-generated fields will appear to the new users in the language that you select here. It is possible for each user to change their language preferences from the My Profile page.


To maintain an easy process, each new user's username will be set as their email address.

Each user will also need a password, which should be kept secret for security purposes. You can, however, manually enter passwords for each user if you prefer. If you set the option to auto generate passwords, the new account holders will be required to use a Password Reset message to set their own passwords before they can access their new accounts. This is the most secure option.

We recommend that you do not ask new users which password they would prefer to associate with their account. Often people re-use the same passwords for multiple services - which can include their email accounts or bank accounts. Asking a person what password they would prefer, particularly by email, creates unnecessary opportunities for this information to be compromised. Instead either set a temporary password of your own choosing and provide instructions for the user to change the password, or use the auto-generated password options in Conference Manager.

Basic Information

Each new user account requires three pieces of information: the new user's first name, last name, and email address.

You may also opt to add their city, jurisdiction (eg. province or state), zip or postal code, country, degrees or designations, affiliation or company, job title, phone number, and fax number. Keep in mind that this page is NOT the place where you will enter the individual information for each account - this is done once you press Continue.

This section also provides three options for each value: Manual Entry, Auto-Assign, and Set Default.

  • Selecting Manual Entry will ignore any information entered for that data field, and instead leave you a blank field to enter different information for each user on the next page.
  • Selecting Auto-Assign will fill in the same value for each new account. You will not be able to alter this information on each account, so before selecting this option and entering text, make sure that the data will be applicable to each new user.
  • Selecting Set Default will pre-fill a value for each new account, but allow you to alter each individual line if you require.

Completing Records

Once you have set the options above, click Continue to fill in individual data for each new user account you are creating.

Check that you are entering data correctly and accurately. When you have filled in all fields for each record, click Submit to create the new user accounts.