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Abstract Management Tools»Session Scheduling - Guide»Session Scheduling - Multi Day…
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 2:22 PM by User.

Session Scheduling - Multi Day Poster Sessions

A Multi-Day Poster Session is a session that is available to your delegates on more than one date. In this case, you would have the same posters available for display for a certain time period on multiple days. This is also useful for scheduling recurring items in the program, such as lunches and coffee breaks.

  1. To add multiple dates, use the Add Time button and fill in your dates and times. Timeslots can be different on different days.

  2. Note that the first Start and End time will be displayed as default Presentation Times when you assign your Posters.
  3. You can reset the individual presentation times back to 00:00 by clicking the Reset Presentation Times button
  4. You will NOT be able to use the Set Presentation Times button on multi-day sessions and will receive this message if you click the button

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