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Abstract Management Tools»Abstract Reports
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 11:38 AM by User.

Abstract Reports

Various sets of data can be exported from the Abstract Admin Dashboard. These exports are in .csv format so are easily sortable and/or can be saved as .xls (MS excel) files.

NOTE: If you are a MAC user, you will need to save out the report file -> Open Excel for Mac -> then Import the file from the location you saved it to.

Export Data

Exports abstract-related data, including:

  • Basic information of the submitter
  • Basic information of any additional authors
  • Abstract information such as title, format, keywords/themes, submission date, etc.
  • Registration status of submitter
  • Reviewer information
  • Session information
  • Responses to custom questions
  • This report does not include the abstract text if this was part of your form - see the Abstract List report for this information

Abstract List

Exports abstract-related data, including:

  • Basic information of the submitter
  • Basic information of any additional authors
  • Abstract information such as title, format, keywords/themes, submission date, etc.
  • Abstract text - if actual abstract is collected in text box on last page of submission form
  • Reviewer information
  • Session information
  • Responses to custom questions

Abstract People

Exports submitter and author information for all people associated with each abstract, and whether or not they are a submitter/primary or additional author. Each person appears on a different row and has a unique ID number.

Abstract Conflicts of Interest

Exports all Conflict of Interest data, per abstract.

Abstract Reviews

Exports all data collected through the online Abstract Review tool. Data is displayed as an individual line per review, grouped by abstract, and includes scores, comments and the number of abstracts assigned to each reviewer.


Exports data collected for Awards including basic submitter, review and award name information.

Audio Visual Requirement List

Exports all Audio Visual data, per abstract.

Click and Go Reports

In addition to the basic abstract reports, there are a number of additional reports that may be helpful for your conference. See Click and Go Reports.