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Community Tools»Custom Questions Setup
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Last modified on 11/14/2017 1:32 PM by User.

Custom Questions Setup

The Custom Question Creator is a powerful tool which enables administrators to collect information that is not gathered elsewhere in Conference Manager. This tool is particularly useful for acquiring particular information specific to your conference.

The Custom Question Creator can be found from the Tools menu, under Community.


The Custom Question Creator can be used to create separate Custom Questions for each of the four main user tools:

*Note about Editing Existing Custom Questions*: It is always best to have your Custom Questions completed, tested and finalized before opening your forms to the delegates or membership. Going back and editing a Custom Question's answers/lists can cause issues to forms that have already been submitted. For older CIDs that are being updated yearly sometimes it is necessary to edit questions along the way. In these cases, it is always best to completely delete a question and re-do it from scratch rather than editing field names and line items (keep in mind that old answers won't be retained on previously filled forms). If you find yourself in a situation where you need to update/edit a custom question AND you must retain old answers on previously filled forms, please contact


The Preview pane shows a preview of all saved work, for proofreading and testing purposes. Responses entered in these boxes are not saved, and will not be displayed anywhere else in Conference Manager.


All questions have a Name and a Label. The Name is used for administrative purposes in Reports and on the Registration Admin Page. The Label becomes the question that users see in the form, and is used for administrative purposes on the Statistics page.

All questions except Labels can be made required, if you require that users complete an answer in that space. Note that if Custom Questions are used, all registrants see this page, so do ensure that questions marked as required are answerable by all registrants, as making the questions required means registrants will not be able to proceed to the next page until they provide an answer.

The Abstract Wizard and Membership Custom Questions also include the option to Include in Datagrid. If this is selected, the answers to that question can be added to the datagrids on the Abstract Admin Page and the Membership List Page.

You are able to group items for Session Scheduling together based on Custom Questions. Ensure that you check the Include In Session Filter button to allow questions to be available at the time of session creation

Field Questions

Field questions give your users the opportunity to write a text answer to any question. It is possible to create Labels, Text Inputs and Text Areas using Field Questions by selecting each option from the Input Type menu.

Labels are used in places where further instruction is required; these are not questions for users to answer. Labels are often used for section titles or headings when there are different categories of questions. If the Label type is set, then the Maximum Length and Required options will not be active.

Text Inputs provide short, one-line spaces for users to enter answers to specific questions. While admins can set the Maximum Length to any number they require, the format of this text entry discourages long paragraph answers.

Text Areas provide longer paragraph spaces for users to enter longer or specially formatted answers.  The Text Area answer spaces are HTML compatible, so these spaces are also well suited to places where users will enter specific formatting or special characters like ©, «», and λ.  The Max Length field sets the maximum character limit for this space.

List Questions

List Questions create a question with a drop-down menu of answers. These questions are best suited for circumstances where users will be asked to choose one of several answers, or for creating Yes/No questions.

The first row under the heading Label is the question that should be answered. Below this, create your possible answers by clicking Add Item and filling in the possible responses.  To remove individual answers from a List Question, select Delete Item next to those answers.

Every List Question has a default answer of "Please choose one". If Required is selected, users will be required to choose a different response than this.

Conditional Drop-down Lists are questions that only appear if a user selects a particular answer to a prior question. These are often used when very specific information is required, or when the information required will differ based on a category choice.

The answer to every List Question has a unique ID number. This number identifies the answer as it is stored within the Conference Manager system, which remains the same regardless of any changes to the text.

To create a Conditional Drop-down List, copy the ID number exactly from the line where the answer appears to the ID box of the question which should appear based on that answer.

It is possible to create any number of questions which are all conditional on the same prior answer. It is also possible to create Conditional Drop-down List Questions based on the answer to prior Conditional Drop-down List Questions, to create multiple levels of specificity.

It is not possible to create conditional relationships between List Questions and Field Questions, because Field Questions do not have ID numbers.


As you are creating and editing Custom Questions, you may want to change the order of your questions, save your work, or add or delete questions. Buttons to do these appear at the bottom of the screen.

  • Save: Saves all current work in progress.  It is recommended to save before navigating away from the Custom Questions screen.
  • Add Field: Creates a single new Field Question as the last question.
  • Add List: Creates a single new List Question as the last question.
  • Move Up: Moves the selected question up one position in the sequence.
  • Move Down: Moves the selected question down one position in the sequence.
  • Move to Top: Makes the selected question the new first question in the sequence.
  • Move to Bottom: Makes the selected question the new last question in the sequence.
  • Delete Question: Permanently deletes the selected question.